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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is your pricing? 


Pricing varies with your budget, requests, specifications, and the type of shoot. 

This table provides approximate investments based on the type of shoot and package.

Will you share my photos? 


Only with your consent. You can opt-out during the lease signing stage if you would prefer not to have your images shared publicly. If you choose to have your images shared, they may be featured on my website and social media pages. 



How long should I expect to wait for my edited photos? 


1-2 months can be expected for a birth package. Boudoir and Growth can be delivered in a few weeks. 



What equipment do you use? 


Nikon D750, 50mm lens, 24-70 mm lens,105 mm lens, a reflector, a tripod, and props depending on the type of shoot. 



How are your services impacted by COVID-19?


For birth photos, I will only photograph members of the same small cohort together. In an effort to keep you and myself safe, I ask that all clients practice regular hand washing/sanitizing, and I will be sanitizing props and surfaces in indoor shooting spaces. Masks are mandatory when you are not being photographed and I will wear a mask for the duration of the shoot. All clients will be required to complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to our photography session. Cancellations or postponement due to confirmed illness, new symptoms, or suspected exposure will not be penalized. Please stay home.

As provincial guidelines change, I will be adapting my protocols as best I can to continue offering my services. 





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